The following environmental guidelines are an expression of our company's social responsibility and provide the basis of its environmental management. They are continuously updated in accordance with developments in research and technology as well as social discussions.

Environmental protection is a primary corporate target.

The obligation to protect the environment is an expression of our corporate responsibility. That is why environmental protection is one of Lufthansa CityLine's most important goals. We want to meet the demands of our employees and customers for environmental compatibility, economic efficiency, safety, quality and for comfort in the same way.

We are guides by the central idea of sustainable management.

Sustainable management means using energy and raw materials as economically as possible and making efficient use of renewable resources. We avoid environmental damage such as pollution, noise, waste and waste water whenever possible and keep them to a minimum if they cannot be fully avoided. Our environmental management system guarantees the planning and implementation of our environmental goals. 

We want to constantly improve.

We comply with environmental laws, ordinances and regulations. However, we want to do more and use the best available technology within the scope of our economic possibilities in order to constantly reduce the negative effects of our activities on the environment. Our own environmental management controls the activities, responsibilities, processes and resources for realizing our environmental measures. The tasks of occupational health and safety are also taken into account.

We record and evaluate the effects of our actions on the environment.

We systematically record and document our activities that have an impact on the environment and evaluate them. From this we derive our aims and actions for improvement, the implementation of which we monitor and have monitored. 

We assess the consequences for the environment before making any decisions.

In our decision-making processes, consideration of the resulting environmental impacts is an indispensable component. If it turns out that a decision leads to a greater environmental impact, we look for specific ways to reduce or avoid it. In this way, we can ensure compliance with our binding environmental protection targets. 

Environmental protection is everyone's responsibility.

Lufthansa CityLine promotes environmental awareness among its employees through continuous information and training. In an open and comprehensive dialogue, managers and staff work together to achieve the goal of continuously improving environmental protection in all areas of the company. 

Environmental protection needs innovation.

Whenever economically and socially justifiable, we use innovations and the latest technologies to conserve resources and improve environmental compatibility.

Our environmental responsibility also applies to our surroundings.

We ensure that our guidelines and environmental goals are obeyed at all locations. We will also ensure that they are applied to all cross-company projects and investments as far as we can. Compliance with environmental standards is a criterion for us when selecting our business partners. We inform our customers and suppliers about our achievements in environmental protection and give them suggestions as to how they can support us in our efforts. 

Our principle is open-mindedness.

We take our concerns about the environmental impacts of our activities seriously and engage in a constructive dialogue with the authorities and the public. We are aware that only honest information can create trust. The regularly published environmental report forms the basis of this comm

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